sazid Portfolio

About Me

I am a Junior web developer with a focus on React. I have also worked with the Mern stack, which is a combination of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. This gives me a lot of experience in both the front-end and back-end development worlds. I am always looking to learn new technologies. I want to be a good problem solver and Full-stack developer.

MY Skills

React Js: 80%
Node Js: 75%
MongoDB: 70%
Tailwind CSS: 65%
Bootstrap: 75%



It is Mern Stack Web App that has admin features, Payment integration with stripe & also SendGrid API to send the message.

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SmartPhone Inventory

Mern Stack Inventory Web App that manages inventories, adds a new item, and shows my item which specific user added.

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Sazid Photography Event

Independent professional photographer web app that shows services, show blogs for users can view photographer activity.

Live Preview Github Link

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